
We think of an activity as taking some time while an event is instantaneous. One useful definition for activity is:

A pair of events, one initiating and the other completing an operation that transforms the state of an entity. Time elapses in an activity. [1]

Usually there are different entities in a DES. In a timed sequence of events

\[\{(e_1,t_1),(e_2,t_2),(e_3,t_3),\hspace{1em}...\hspace{1em}, (e_n,t_n)\}\]

an activity may span two or more events in a system. E.g. a server starts to serve a customer at a given time. This activity takes a certain interval in time. Within that interval other customers may arrive or leave or other servers may proceed in their work.

Sequences of Activities

For certain problems it is useful to describe a DES as a sequence of activities. An activity-based approach models a DES as sequences of activities of multiple entities overlapping each other in time. For practical purposes an activity is a function combining

  • some operations to describe the activity with
  • an event to call the next activity.

This is still a form of event scheduling. The following code snippet implements three activities of a server:

load(S::Server) = event!(S.clock, fun(serve, S), fun(isready, S.input))

function serve(S::Server)
    S.job = take!(S.input)
    @printf("%5.3f: server %d took job %d\n", tau(S.clock),, S.job)
    event!(S.clock, (fun(finish, S)), after, S.dist)

function finish(S::Server)
    put!(S.output, S.job)
    @printf("%5.3f: server %d finished job %d\n", tau(S.clock),, S.job)
    S.job < N && load(S)

The three activities call each other under conditions or after time intervals:

  1. The first activity load uses a conditional event! to check the input channel [2]. This switches on clock sampling. If the condition is true, it triggers serve.
  2. serve take!s a job from the input channel and then uses a timed event! to call finish and
  3. finish switches back to load.

In a practical example we can create several instances of activity-based Servers interacting with each other.


If in that example the boss – or a customer or a computer failure ... – interrupts those activities, we are in trouble - as in life - and would have to implement a mechanism for handling such anomalies.

Either we had to delete the next scheduled event to branch into another activity like handle_interrupt or we had to introduce a state variable to represent different branches of activities and make activities state dependent.

see also: event!, fun, tau, stop!

  • 1George S. Fishman: Discrete-Event Simulation – Modeling, Programming, and Analysis, Springer, 2001, p 39
  • 2It has to check it before take! is called because that blocks. Everything here runs in the user process and therefore we must not block.