State Machines

In DES usually a lot of events happen, but not all of them cause state transitions. On the other hand some events cause a system to change its path. If event sequences ...

\[\{(e_1,t_1),(e_2,t_2),(e_3,t_3),\hspace{1em}...\hspace{1em}, (e_n,t_n)\}\]

are not predictable and can change stochastically, a system behavior can be expressed as a finite state machine. In our stochastic timed automaton $\,(\mathcal{E},\mathcal{X},\Gamma,p,p_0,G)\,$ the feasible event function $\,\Gamma(x) : x \in \mathcal{X},\,\Gamma(x) \subseteq \mathcal{E}\,$ is the set of all events $e$ for which a transition function $\mathcal{f}(x,e)$ is defined. Given the current state of the system other events can happen, but are unfeasible and are ignored.

The transition function

$\mathcal{f}:\mathcal{X}\times\mathcal{E} \rightarrow \mathcal{X}$ describes the transitions in the system and is only partially defined on its domain. Julia's multiple dispatch allows to implement it as different methods of one function:

  1. define the event set $\,\mathcal{E} = \{\alpha, \beta, \gamma, ...\}$,
  2. define the state space $\,\mathcal{X}=\{x_1, x_2, ..., x_n\}$,
  3. implement methods for the defined transitions $\,\mathcal{f}(x_1, \{\alpha,\beta\}), \mathcal{f}(x_2, \gamma), ..., \mathcal{f}(x_n, \omega)$,
  4. define a default transition $\,\mathcal{f}(x,\mathcal{E})=x\,$.

Defined transitions call one of the defined methods and undefined transitions fall back to the default transition.

An example

We have to model a system where servers break down from time to time. First we implement the states and the events occurring in the system and a server type:

abstract type ๐‘‹ end    # define states
struct Idle <: ๐‘‹ end
struct Busy <: ๐‘‹ end
struct Failed <: ๐‘‹ end

abstract type ๐ธ end    # describe events
struct Setup <: ๐ธ end
struct Load <: ๐ธ end
struct Finish <: ๐ธ end
struct Fail <: ๐ธ end
struct Repair <: ๐ธ end

mutable struct Server  # state machine body

Then we implement the transition function as f!(s,x,e) [1] with s for the server instance and different methods for all defined $(x,e)\rightarrow x'$ transitions and a default transition. This enables us to dispatch on them:

๐’‡!(::Server, ::๐‘‹, ::๐ธ) = nothing   # default transition
๐’‡!(s::Server, ::Idle, ::Setup) =   # a setup event for an idle machine
    event!(s.c, fun(๐’‡!, s, s.state, Load()), fun(isready, queue))
function ๐’‡!(s::Server, ::Idle, ::Load) # a load event for an idle machine
    s.job = pop!(queue)
    s.state = Busy()
    event!(s.c, fun(๐’‡!, s, s.state, Finish()), after, rand(EX))
function ๐’‡!(s::Server, ::Union{Idle,Busy}, ::Fail) # a fail event for idle and busy machines
    s.state = Failed()
    event!(s.c, fun(๐’‡!, s, s.state, Repair(), after, rand(MTTR)))
function ๐’‡!(s::Server, ::Busy, ::Finish) # a finish event for a busy machine
    pushfirst!(done, s.job)
    s.job = 0
    s.state = Idle()
    event!(s.c, fun(๐’‡!, s, s.state, Setup(), after, rand(EX)/5))
function ๐’‡!(s::Server, ::Failed, ::Repair) # a repair event for a failed machine
    if s.job != 0
        s.state = Busy()
        event!(s.c, fun(๐’‡!, s, s.state, Finish()), after, rand(EX)) # start job anew
        s.state = Idle()
        event!(s.c, fun(๐’‡!, s, s.state, Setup(), after, rand(EX)/5))

Out of 15 possible state-event combinations only six are defined. All others are ignored and let the current state unchanged:

X ร— ESetupLoadFinishFailRepair
โญ‘ โ†’ IdleIdleBusy-Failed-

If a Busy server gets a Fail event, it becomes Failed and cannot accept the previously scheduled Finish event. This is only defined for a Busy server and the undefined event ๐’‡!(s,Failed,Finish) triggers the default transition. The server will get Busy again when a Repair event arrives and then schedule a new Finish event.

A system of state machines

By creating several server instances we can represent different entities of state machines in the system. This is shown in the multi-server example.

A more elegant and dynamic way is to work with actors: By changing their behavior they can express state machines natively, they can change their behavior even to a new state machine or create new actors dynamically ...

  • 1Here we include the server s as function argument. But then - since we change its state - it is Julia convention to add an exclamation mark to the function name f!.