

As usual in Julia you can access clock parameters by clock.parameter:

julia> clk                  # normally pretty printing is enabled
Clock 0, thread 1 (+ 0 ac): state=DiscreteEvents.Undefined(), t=0.0 , Δt=0.01 , prc:0
  scheduled ev:0, cev:0, sampl:0

julia> clk.                 # with clk. + tab + tab you get the parameters
ac        end_time   evcount    id         processes  sc         scount     state      tev        time       tn         unit       Δt
julia> clk.time             # then you can select one of them

You can switch off pretty printing and then get the Julia Base.show_default display:

julia> DiscreteEvents.prettyClock(false)

julia> clk
Clock(0, DiscreteEvents.Undefined(), 0.0, , 0.01, DiscreteEvents.ClockChannel[], DiscreteEvents.Schedule(DataStructures.PriorityQueue{DiscreteEvents.DiscreteEvent,Float64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}(), DiscreteEvents.DiscreteCond[], DiscreteEvents.Sample[]), Dict{Any,Prc}(), 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0)

In Juno's workspace then you can access a Clock variable's structure and dig deeper into it:

atom workspace


The following clock shows that two timed events ev:2 and one conditional events cev:1 have been scheduled:

julia> c
Clock 0, thread 1 (+ 0 ac): state=DiscreteEvents.Undefined(), t=0.0 , Δt=0.01 , prc:0
  scheduled ev:2, cev:1, sampl:0

Registered events can be found in the scheduling structure c.sc of the clock. Better is to switch off pretty printing with DiscreteEvents.prettyClock(false) and to dive into them in the Atom workspace:

clock schedule


Three processes have been registered to the following clock:

julia> clock.processes
Dict{Any,Prc} with 3 entries:
  0 => Prc(0, Task (runnable) @0x000000010fc82ad0, Clock 0, thrd 1 (+ 0 ac): state=DiscreteEvents.Undefined(), t=0.0 , Δt=0.01 , prc:3…
  2 => Prc(2, Task (runnable) @0x000000010d13db10, Clock 0, thrd 1 (+ 0 ac): state=DiscreteEvents.Undefined(), t=0.0 , Δt=0.01 , prc:3…
  1 => Prc(1, Task (runnable) @0x000000013a183190, Clock 0, thrd 1 (+ 0 ac): state=DiscreteEvents.Undefined(), t=0.0 , Δt=0.01 , prc:3…

We can check process 0 with

julia> clock.processes[0].task
Task (runnable) @0x000000010fc82ad0

If the task had failed, we would get the stacktrace with that command.