Multi-Threaded Assembly
An assembly line in a car or engine plant consists of several sections, which are decoupled by intermediary buffers for some cars or engines. Inside a section workers or work stations are more strongly coupled with buffers of one or two items in between. Usually those assembly lines are quite long with dozens or even hundreds of work stations.
This is an ideal scenario for a multithreaded simulation where we can simulate the sections on different threads, connected by channels of some capacity for decoupling. We assume that assembly operations have a normal distribution $\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)\;|\; \mu=1.0,\sigma=0.1$ constraining line throughput.
We will define an assy
operation as a simple sequential process, an assyLine
setting up $N$ such operations with $\textrm{buf}$ buffers between each two sequential work stations on a thread-local clock with thread id $\textrm{thrd}$ it will run on. The arrival process is as usual.
using DiscreteEvents, Distributions, Random, Printf, .Threads
# describe an assembly process
function assy(c::Clock, input::Channel, output::Channel, S::Distribution, id::Int)
job = take!(input)
delay!(c, S)
put!(output, job)
# setup an assembly line of N nodes between input and output
# buf is the buffer size between the nodes
function assyLine(c::Clock, input::Channel, output::Channel,
S::Distribution, N::Int, buf::Int; thrd=1)
inp = input
out = N > 1 ? typeof(input)(buf) : output
for i in 1:N
process!(c, Prc(i, assy, inp, out, S, i), cid=thrd)
inp = out
out = i < (N-1) ? typeof(input)(buf) : output
# arrivals
function arrive(c::Clock, input::Channel, jobno::Vector{Int}, A::Distribution)
jobno[1] += 1
delay!(c, A)
put!(input, jobno[1])
We seed the default random number generators on each thread with pseed
, setup a PClock
with parallel clocks, create input and output buffers for the entire line and the buffers between the sections. For simplicity we take the number of threads nthreads()
of our local machine as the number of sections of our assembly line. We setup an assyLine
section on each thread connected by buffers. Then we start the arrive
process on the master clock of thread 1.
const M₁ = Exponential(1/0.9)
const M₂ = Normal(1, 0.1)
const jobno = [4]
clk = PClock(0.1)
input = Channel{Int}(10)
buffer = [Channel{Int}(10) for _ in 2:nthreads()]
output = Channel{Int}(Inf)
foreach(i->put!(input, i), 1:3)
for i in 1:nthreads()
inp = i == 1 ? input : buffer[i-1]
out = i < nthreads() ? buffer[i] : output
assyLine(clk, inp, out, M₂, 10, 2, thrd=i)
process!(clk, Prc(0, arrive, input, jobno, M₁))
If we run the simulation, we get the following output:
julia> @time run!(clk, 1000)
1.582942 seconds (5.72 M allocations: 284.722 MiB, 2.65% gc time)
"run! finished with 63452 clock events, 10000 sample steps, simulation time: 1000.0"
julia> length(output)
It took 1.6 seconds for an assembly line with 8 sections of each 10 workstations to simulate a throughput of 748 cars/engines.
Below I give the platform information:
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.5.1
Commit 697e782ab8 (2020-08-25 20:08 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin19.5.0)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-9.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)
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