House heating

In a hybrid system we have continuous processes and discrete events interacting in one system. A thermostat is a basic example of this:

  • Heating changes between two states: On and Off,
  • a room cools at a certain rate $\dot{Q_c}\; [J/h]$ proportional to the difference between room temperature $T_r$ and environment temperature $T_e\; [K]$,
  • it heats at a rate $\dot{Q_h}\; [J/h]$ proportional to the temperature difference between temperature of the heating fluid $T_h\; [K]$ and room temperature $T_r\; [K]$,
  • the room temperature $T_r$ changes proportionally to the difference between heating $\dot{Q_h}$ and cooling $\dot{Q_c}$.
\[\begin{array}{rl} \dot{Q_c} = \frac{\left(T_r - T_e\right)}{\eta R} \; \left[\tfrac{J}{h}\right] & \mathrm{where\; R = thermal\ resistance\; \left[\tfrac{K h}{J}\right],\; \eta = efficiency\ factor \le 1.0},\\ \dot{Q_h} = \alpha \left(T_h - T_r\right) \; \left[\tfrac{J}{h}\right] & \mathrm{where\; \alpha = proportionality\ factor}\; \left[\tfrac{J}{K h}\right], \\ \dot{T_h} = \beta \left(\dot{Q_h} - \dot{Q_c}\right)\; \left[\tfrac{K}{h}\right] & \mathrm{where\; \beta = proportionality\ factor}\; \left[\tfrac{K}{J}\right],\\ \dot{T_c} = - \beta\ \dot{Q_c}\; \left[\tfrac{K}{h}\right] & \mathrm{when\ heating\ is\ switched\ off.} \end{array}\]

We assume that

  • the thermostat is set to switch heating on if $T_r$ falls under 20°C and to switch heating off if $T_r$ rises above 23°C,
  • time units are hours,
  • the temperature $T_h$ of the heating fluid is 40°C,
  • the temperature $T_e$ of the environment follows a stochastic process based on a sine function between 8 and 20°C with $T_{e,min}$ at 4am and $T_{e,max}$ at 4pm,
  • the constants have values $R = 1\times10^{-6}\ \left[\frac{K h}{J}\right],\; \alpha = 2\times 10^6\ \left[\frac{J}{K h}\right],\; \beta = 3\times 10^{-7}\; \left[\frac{K}{J}\right]$,
  • people entering the room may reduce insulation efficiency by a factor $\eta\le1.0$ to $R$,
  • the room temperature is initially $T_{r,0} = 20 °C$ and
  • the heater is off.

First we setup the physical model:

using DiscreteEvents, Plots, DataFrames, Random, Distributions, LaTeXStrings

@assert DiscreteEvents.version ≥ v"0.3.0" "DiscreteEvents version $(DiscreteEvents.version) should be ≥ 0.3.0"

const Th = 40.0   # temperature of heating fluid
const R = 1e-6    # thermal resistance of room insulation
const α = 2e6     # represents thermal conductivity and capacity of the air
const β = 3e-7    # represents mass of the air and heat capacity
η = [1.0]         # efficiency factor reducing R if doors or windows are open
heating = [false]

Δte(t, t1, t2) = cos((t-10)*π/12) * (t2-t1)/2  # change rate of a sinusoidal Te

function Δtr(Tr, Te, heating)
    Δqc = (Tr - Te)/(R * η[1])
    Δqh = heating[1] ? α * (Th - Tr) : 0.0
    return β * (Δqh - Δqc)
Δtr (generic function with 1 method)

We now setup a simulation for 24 hours from 0am to 12am. We update the simulation every virtual minute.

rng = MersenneTwister(122)
Δt = 1//60
Te = [11.0]
Tr = [20.0]
df = DataFrame(t=Float64[], tr=Float64[], te=Float64[], heating=Int64[])

function setTemperatures(t1=8.0, t2=20.0)
    Te[1] += Δte(tau(), t1, t2) * 2π/1440 + rand(rng, Normal(0, 0.1))
    Tr[1] += Δtr(Tr[1], Te[1], heating[1]) * Δt
    push!(df, (tau(), Tr[1], Te[1], Int(heating[1])) )

function switch(t1=20.0, t2=23.0)
    if Tr[1] ≥ t2 
        heating[1] = false
        event!(fun(switch, t1, t2), ()->Tr[1] ≤ t1)
    elseif Tr[1] ≤ t1 
        heating[1] = true
        event!(fun(switch, t1, t2), ()->Tr[1] ≥ t2)

DiscreteEvents.periodic!(fun(setTemperatures), Δt)

@time run!(𝐶, 24)
  0.177333 seconds (533.36 k allocations: 24.883 MiB)

"run! finished with 0 clock events, 2399 sample steps, simulation time: 24.0"
plot(df.t,, legend=:bottomright, label=L"T_r")
plot!(df.t, df.te, label=L"T_e")
plot!(df.t, df.heating, label="heating")
title!("House heating undisturbed")


In a living room the thermal resistance is repeatedly diminished if people enter the room or open windows.

function people(clk::Clock)
    delay!(clk, 6 + rand(Normal(0, 0.5)))
    sleeptime = 22 + rand(Normal(0, 0.5))
    while tau(clk) < sleeptime
        η[1] = rand()                        # open door or window
        delay!(clk, 0.1 * rand(Normal(1, 0.3)))   # for some time
        η[1] = 1.0                           # close it again
        delay!(clk, rand())

rng = MersenneTwister(122)
Te = [11.0]
Tr = [20.0]
df = DataFrame(t=Float64[], tr=Float64[], te=Float64[], heating=Int64[])

for i in 1:2                                 # put 2 people in the house
    process!(Prc(i, people), 1)               # run process only once
DiscreteEvents.periodic!(fun(setTemperatures), Δt)

@time run!(𝐶, 24)
  0.074617 seconds (169.80 k allocations: 5.740 MiB)

"run! finished with 116 clock events, 2399 sample steps, simulation time: 24.0"
plot(df.t,, legend=:bottomright, label=L"T_r")
plot!(df.t, df.te, label=L"T_e")
plot!(df.t, df.heating, label="heating")
title!("House heating with people")


We have now all major schemes: events, continuous sampling and processes combined in one example.