M/M/c with Actors
Very similar to the last implementation we can implement the servers as YAActL
actors. First we have to define the actor messages, the server body and a convenience function for actors sending a delayed message to themselves.
using DiscreteEvents, Printf, Distributions, Random, YAActL
struct Arrive <: Message end
struct Finish <: Message end
mutable struct Server # state machine body
Base.get(clk::Clock, m::Message, after, Δt::Distribution) =
event!(clk, fun(send!, self(), m), after, Δt)
The actor realizes the same finite state machine as before by switching between two behaviors: idle
and busy
function idle(s::Server, ::Arrive)
if isready(s.input)
s.job = take!(s.input)
become(busy, s)
get(s.clk, Finish(), after, s.S)
print(s.clk, @sprintf("%5.3f: server %d serving customer %d\n", tau(s.clk), s.id, s.job))
busy(s::Server, ::Message) = nothing # this is a default transition
function busy(s::Server, ::Finish)
put!(s.output, s.job)
become(idle, s)
print(s.clk, @sprintf("%5.3f: server %d finished serving %d\n", tau(s.clk), s.id, s.job))
When an idle server gets an Arrive()
message, it checks its input and if there is one, it takes it and become
s busy
. It schedules a Finish()
message for itself after a random service time. When it arrives, it puts its job into the output and become
s idle
. As you see, the code is almost plain text.
As before we need an arrival function:
# model arrivals
function arrive(c::Clock, input::Channel, jobno::Vector{Int}, lnk::Vector{Channel})
jobno[1] += 1
@printf("%5.3f: customer %d arrived\n", tau(c), jobno[1])
put!(input, jobno[1])
map(l->send!(l, Arrive()), lnk) # notify the servers
We setup our environment, the actors and the arrivals process:
Random.seed!(8710) # set random number seed for reproducibility
const N = 10 # total number of customers
const c = 2 # number of servers
const μ = 1.0 / c # service rate
const λ = 0.9 # arrival rate
const M₁ = Exponential(1/λ) # interarrival time distribution
const M₂ = Exponential(1/μ) # service time distribution
const jobno = [0] # job counter
# initialize simulation environment
clock = Clock()
input = Channel{Int}(Inf)
output = Channel{Int}(Inf)
for i in 1:c # start actors
s = Server(i, clock, input, output, 0, M₂)
register!(clock.channels, Actor(idle, s))
event!(clock, fun(arrive, clock, input, jobno, clock.channels), every, M₁, n=N)
run!(clock, 20)
... and get our expected output:
0.123: customer 1 arrived
0.123: server 1 serving customer 1
0.226: customer 2 arrived
0.226: server 2 serving customer 2
0.539: server 1 finished serving 1
0.667: server 2 finished serving 2
2.135: customer 3 arrived
9.475: server 2 serving customer 9
10.027: server 1 finished serving 8
10.257: customer 10 arrived
10.257: server 1 serving customer 10
10.624: server 1 finished serving 10
10.734: server 2 finished serving 9
"run! finished with 50 clock events, 0 sample steps, simulation time: 20.0"
This implementation is more readable and straightforward.